Fencing Repairs in Accra: What You Need to Know

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Fencing Repairs in Accra: What You Need to Know

When you think of fencing, you probably picture a line of sturdy wooden posts with a hedge or latticework of vines growing over it to keep unwanted visitors out. But in real life, fencing can take many different forms and have numerous functions. It may be used as security so that people and animals are kept inside the property, or simply as decoration to make your property look attractive. You may not think much about your fencing until something goes wrong with it and requires repair. A few small repairs can keep your fence looking great for a long time to come. Here are some useful tips on how to go about repairing your fence so that it looks good again without costing too much.


Check for Damage

Before you start repairs, you need to check for damage. A quick visual inspection can tell you if the fence needs to be repaired or replaced. If the posts are rotten, broken, or leaning at an odd angle, they will need to be replaced. Fence posts are generally made of wood or metal, and rails are made of wood, metal, or plastic. A metal fence may rust over time, and wood posts will rot if they are exposed to moisture. A wooden fence may also need to be treated with a wood preservative to prevent rotting. You can also check the condition of the fencing by looking at the way it is stacked and secured. If it is not stacked straight and securely, and the posts are not firmly in the ground, then the fence is likely to be damaged by strong winds or heavy snowfall. If the fence is not well maintained, it is likely to be in need of repair. You also need to check if the fence has been damaged by an animal. If so, then you will need to call a professional for repairs.


Repair Wooden Fencing

Wooden fencing is a common choice for residential properties and commercial properties such as sports fields or school grounds. Wooden fencing may be made from treated or untreated wood, or a combination of both. If you have treated wood and it is rot or decay-resistant, then you can use a paintbrush to apply a coat of wood preservative. If your fence is made of untreated wood, then you will need to apply a wood preservative as soon as you can after the damage as they will need several coats to prevent further damage. If you do not know what type of wood your fence is made from, you can try to identify it by taking scrapings from the surface and placing them in a jar of vinegar.


Repair Chain Link Fencing

If your chain link fencing is damaged, you have the choice of repairing or replacing it. It is a good idea to repair your chain link fencing as long as there is no rusting or rotting present. You can purchase chain link fencing repair kits from hardware stores and online. Before you start to repair your chain link fencing, make sure to remove any debris that may be caught in the links. You can use pliers to bend the ends of broken wires or cut off ends with a wire cutter. You can use a brush dipped in paint to coat both the inside and outside of the chain link fence with a coat of rust-inhibiting paint. You can also staple a piece of fabric to the inside of the fence as this will also help to keep out weeds and debris.


Fix Broken Posts

If your wooden posts are rotten or broken, you can replace them with new posts. This can be a heaving job for one person, so it is advisable to get help from a few friends to provide the extra muscle. If you can access the ends of the posts from the ground level, you can replace them by driving new posts in and securing them with concrete. You can also use posts made from treated lumber or metal posts. If you need to replace the upper sections of posts, you will need to lift the fence first. You can use a come-a-long to help you pull the fence up high enough to get the posts out, but you may need to hire a company that specializes in this type of work as it can be complicated. You can also hire a company to remove and replace the posts entirely. If your posts are still sound but just need reattaching to the chain link, you can use some posts and reattaching brackets.


Fixing Broken Rails

If your fence rails have rotted or broken, you can replace them with new wooden rails to prevent further damage. You can buy wooden rails at most hardware stores, but they are expensive. Another option is to use a length of wooden fence boards, which are much cheaper. You will need to cut them to the length required and then cut notches at both ends to allow them to rest securely on the posts. You can then paint them or stain them to match your fence. If you are unable to do this type of repair yourself, you can hire a company to do the work for you.


Mending a Hinged Gate

If your hinge is broken on a gate, you should replace the hinge before it fails completely and your gate becomes unusable. You can buy a replacement hinge from your hardware store, or you may need to replace the entire gate. If you do not have the budget to do both at once, it is best to repair the hinge first. You can use a welder to repair the hinge, but you need to be very careful to avoid burning the gate. Alternatively, you can use a hinge pin to repair the hinge. You can then use a hammer and nails to secure the hinge pin in place. You can also hire a company to repair your gate. It is best to do this as soon as possible before it becomes an even bigger problem.



Fencing is a common feature on many properties, as it can be decorative as well as functional. Fences are not always made of wood or chain link. Metal fences are common in urban areas where privacy is needed. Fences need to be maintained, and when they become damaged or old, they need to be repaired or replaced. When you need to repair a fence, you can do it yourself if you have the time and the necessary tools. You can get advice from a handyman or contractor, too. Some fences are repairable, and others need to be replaced. Whether you repair or replace your fence, when you're done, your yard will look great again.


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