The Top 5 African Countries Where You Can Find Farmland to Invest In

A look at the top five countries in Africa where you can invest your money and buy property. Learn about their climate, population, industry, GDP per capita, and more.

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The Top 5 African Countries Where You Can Find Farmland to Invest In

When it comes to investing in farming, Africa presents significant opportunities. It is possible to purchase arable land and lease it back to the owner. This can be an excellent way for farmers to develop a sound business plan while also bringing in revenue from these incoming leases.

Africa’s population is rapidly expanding and as more people migrate there, the continent’s need for food increases. Investing in African farmland is an opportunity with high potential to yield great returns on investment. Here are some of the top African countries where you can find farmland to invest in.


Overview of the African continent

Africa has been experiencing a population growth of 2.4% per year for the last fifteen years and that trend is not expected to change. There are nearly 1 billion people living in Africa today and experts predict that by 2050, there will be 2.4 billion Africans living on the continent.


The continent is home to 54 countries, each with their own unique cultures, customs, and traditions. As a result, Africa’s future food production needs will vary by country.


In 1979-1980, Africa imported $3 million worth of food annually while exporting $3 million worth of food annually; this balance is now reversed with imports exceeding exports by more than $2 billion each year. This imbalance has led to a shortage of food and people have resorted to eating less nutritious alternatives like cassava or maize meal, which are poor substitutes for protein-rich crops such as soy beans or animal feed stocks like chicken or eggs. In fact, Guinea’s poverty rate is 98% due in large part to lack of adequate resources (i.e., arable land). The high population growth rate combined with insufficient land available for farming makes investing in farmland an attractive option for individuals looking to make money from their investment in Africa.


Investment in agriculture and farmland in Africa

The population of Africa is fast expanding and so is the demand for food. To meet this need, buying farmland and leasing it back to farmers can be a profitable business. In most African countries, land ownership is not strictly regulated. Land leases have high potential to generate returns on investment. Here are some of the top African countries where you can find farmland to invest in:



Nigeria has a rapidly growing population and thus great potential for agricultural expansion. It is a country with vastly fertile soil that could yield a bountiful harvest if properly cultivated and used.


Kenya is well known for agriculture production already, but it also has plenty of unused arable land that could be used for more farming activities.

Uganda :

With rich soil, Uganda’s arable land offers lucrative opportunities for investors looking to buy farmland in Africa. The country’s size also provides excellent opportunity for agricultural expansion in the future as well as today making it worth considering as an investment option. Ethiopia : Ethiopia’s location at the crossroads of Africa also makes it an excellent place to invest in farmland because there are many opportunities here due to the country’s prime location (it borders three other African countries).


Why invest in Africa?

There are many reasons to invest in Africa. First, the demand for food is on the rise and Africa’s population is rapidly expanding. The continent’s need for arable land will only increase as their population soars and their need for food does too.

Second, it is possible to purchase farmland and lease it back to the owner. This can be an excellent way for farmers to develop a sound business plan while also bringing in revenue from these incoming leases. There are many opportunities in Africa that do not exist elsewhere in the world.


Top 5 countries to invest

1. Ghana:

The Ghanian government has set a goal to produce 100% of the country’s energy through renewable sources by 2020. In order to achieve this, the government plans to build ten new hydroelectric dams. This will create an increase in available farmland and create an opportunity for investors to purchase arable land. There are many opportunities for you to find high-quality farmland in Ghana.

2. Ethiopia:

Ethiopia is one of the most fertile places on earth and it is home to two of the world’s most important rivers, Nile and Blue Nile. Ethiopia also hosts Africa’s oldest continually inhabited city, Addis Ababa, which was founded as a small town around 5th century AD but has grown into a major urban center. The main draw for investors is that it is now possible for individuals with no farming experience to lease agricultural land from the Ethiopian government for a fixed rental fee each year and grow crops without any additional expenses or labor costs.

3. Zambia:

Zambia has some of Africa's most fertile land and excellent rainfall patterns which provide ideal conditions for farming maize, wheat, peanuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, cassava, fresh fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers and much more! When investing in Zambia's farmland you can also invest in other types of businesses such as retail malls or supermarkets or even invest in mines across Africa (gold mining). Zambia



Angola has been the country with the fastest economic growth in Africa for the last decade. It’s also been called “Africa’s China,” as it has managed to create a booming economy by investing heavily in oil and gas, construction and transportation, among other industries. Angola is a good choice for farmland investments because the market is developing and there are plenty of opportunities for successful development.



Ethiopia is one of the top African countries that you can invest in farmland. Agriculture produces over 90% of Ethiopia’s exports and their economy relies heavily on the success of this sector. Ethiopia has a rich history of farming with ample opportunities for investors to purchase farmland. Ethiopia makes for an excellent investment opportunity with a high potential for growth.


The Top 5 African Countries Where You Can Find Farmland to Invest In



Kenya is one of the top African countries where you can find farmland to invest in. Kenya has a high number of arable land and this makes it an attractive place for investors. According to the World Bank, Kenya has about 8 million hectares of arable land which makes up more than half of the total landmass.

Kenya is also a country that was historically engaged in agriculture, but with economic growth in the past few decades, there have been many farmers who have shifted their focus to other sectors. Still, there are many opportunities in Kenyan farming and with 3 million hectares of arable land still available, Kenya offers significant potential for investment.



Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with a population of over 178 million people. Nigeria has an arid climate, so it is not well suited to many farming activities such as growing vegetables or fruits. However, Nigerian farmland can be used to produce grains and cotton thanks to its fertile soil.



Rwanda has a relatively high population to land ratio, which means there is plenty of available land for sale. The country’s government is strong and committed to economic growth, making it an ideal place for investment. Additionally, Rwanda offers farmers a “one-stop shop” as the country provides all the necessary support for developing agricultural businesses.


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