Your Guide to Cooking Gas Supply in Nigeria

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Your Guide to Cooking Gas Supply in Nigeria


As much as we love electric and induction cookers, not everyone is fortunate enough to own one. For those who do not have the luxury of owning an electric or induction cooker, the only alternative to this is the use of natural gas to fuel your kitchen stove. The Economist Intelligence Unit in their 2018 report identified Nigeria as one of the 20 riskiest emerging markets around the world. A combination of factors such as instability in oil prices, a large youth population, and high levels of corruption made it risky for businesses operating here. So, how safe is cooking gas supply in Nigeria? Do you need a new gas connection or activation? Are there any safety precautions you should take when using gas stoves? Keep reading to find out more!


What is Cooking Gas?

Before diving into the safety of cooking gas supply in Nigeria, let's first understand what gas actually is. Gas is a naturally occurring fossil fuel that is found in soil and rock formations. When fossil fuels are burned, the resulting byproduct is carbon dioxide. So, when you cook using gas, you are not actually burning it. Rather, you are releasing the energy stored in the gas molecules by heating them up. Gas is used in households and industries for cooking, boiling water, or powering furnaces. There are two types of gas that are used for cooking in households - liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas. LPG is derived from crude oil and is transported in pressurized tanks. Natural gas, on the other hand, is found deep in the earth's crust and is transported through a network of pipelines.


Why should you stay away from cooking gas?

Gas is a clean fuel that produces very little or no emissions. However, it would be imprudent to say that you can never be affected by gas. The most common health issues are caused by exposure to carbon monoxide, which is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas. Excessive exposure to carbon monoxide may cause symptoms like headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, and confusion. The recommended exposure to carbon monoxide is 19 parts per million (ppm). There have been reported cases of individuals in Nigeria suffering from gas poisoning. These incidences occurred when people were careless in handling their gas stoves and when gas companies were irresponsible in supplying the product. One of the reasons why people fall sick from gas is because they are not careful in ensuring that they are getting the right grade of gas. If you are careless in properly inspecting your gas cylinders, you may be in for a rude awakening.


Is it safe to cook with a new gas connection in Nigeria?

Using a new gas connection for the first time is always an exciting experience. This is especially so if you are used to cooking with electricity or firewood. But amidst all the excitement, you must be careful not to overlook the safety precautions. When handling a gas cylinder, you should be wearing protective clothing. This may include a mask, gloves, and safety goggles. When installing the gas cylinder, you must ensure that the cylinder is placed on a firm, level surface. You must also have the cylinder's valve turned off. Before connecting the cylinder to your gas regulator, you must make sure that the connection is secured correctly. And when you are done, you must check the pressure settings.


Activation of New Cooking Gas Connection in Nigeria

In order to start cooking with a new gas connection, you must first get it activated. Activating your gas connection can be done at any of the following places: - Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (NLNG) Customer Care - Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Customer Care - Nigerian Gas Company Ltd. (NGC) Customer Care If you are the owner of a gas station, you can also activate a new gas connection. If you are unsure about which gas company to go to, you can always follow this procedure: - Find out the standard connection charges for your location, type of connection and size of cylinder. - You can do this by visiting the website of your preferred gas company or calling their customer service line.


Who can help you activate your new cooking gas connection?

As we have mentioned earlier, you can get your new gas connection activated by visiting the customer care of your preferred gas company. But the best thing to do is to hire a professional to help you out. A gas engineer is an individual who has undergone rigorous training and has the requisite certification to install, operate, and maintain gas equipment. A gas engineer will be able to help you out with all the procedures involved in getting your new gas connection activated. For instance, he would understand how to read the meter and will be able to give you a gas reading. He would also be able to detect any possible problems with your gas installation, and fix them.


Frequently asked questions about cooking gas supply in Nigeria.

Here we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about cooking gas supply in Nigeria. These are the questions that pop up in the minds of Nigerians every time there is an increase in gas prices. Q. What is the price of a cooking gas cylinder in Nigeria? A. The price of a cooking gas cylinder in Nigeria can range from NGN 12,000 to NGN 15,000. Q. How long does a cylinder last in Nigeria? A. This depends on the number of hours you are using it. Q. Can I use a cylinder for longer than its shelf life? A. You can, but it is not recommended. Q. What is the shelf life of a cylinder in Nigeria? A. The shelf life of a cylinder in Nigeria is printed on its label. Q. Why are there fluctuations in gas prices? A. The price of gas fluctuates because it is traded like a commodity.


Your Guide to Cooking Gas Supply in Nigeria

Cooking gas is one of the cheapest and most convenient ways of cooking. With it, you can prepare meals quickly and efficiently. However, it is important to know the safety precautions that come with using gas. This is so you can avoid accidents and injuries that can arise from the improper use of gas appliances. With the information provided in this article, you should be able to navigate safely through the gas supply sector of Nigeria. Remember, safety comes first, and you can only enjoy the benefits of cooking with gas if you are careful.


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