Burglary Bar Installation: Smart Solutions to Keep Your Home Safe

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Burglary Bar Installation: Smart Solutions to Keep Your Home Safe


There’s nothing more unsettling than coming home from work to find your house has been broken into. It’s a feeling that sends shivers down your spine, and one you hope you never experience. If you’re worried about the security of your home, installing a burglary bar is a smart solution. These bars are installed on windows from the inside when you leave the house so that if someone breaks in, it’s almost impossible for them to get through the windows. All you have to do is swing these bars down when you leave and lift them up again when you return home. Sounds simple enough and not exactly an expensive proposition either. However, depending on the type of windows in your house, it may not be as easy as it sounds…


What is a Burglary Bar?

A burglary bar is a type of security bar that you can install on your windows. Burglary bars are designed to be strong enough to prevent intruders from forcing the window open. They are installed on the inside of a window frame to prevent windows from being broken. Burglary bars are a good way to add security to your home. If you’re worried about someone breaking into your property, a burglary bar will prevent them from getting inside by blocking the windows. A burglary bar is a low-cost way to increase the security of your home. It is also easy to install. You can also choose to install more than one type of security bar on your windows. Burglary bars can be installed on windows at the front of the house and the back.


How to Install a Burglary Bar

First, measure the length of your windows to see which ones will benefit from this added security. You’ll want to install the bars on the first-floor windows that open, as well as the back windows in your home. It’s a good idea to install the bars on the windows in the basement as well, since burglars may break in from the ground floor and then travel down below. Next, make sure the bars are installed correctly. A mis-installation can actually make the windows more vulnerable to forced entry. There are a few things you need to keep in mind as you install the bars. First, make sure the bars are installed on the inside of the window frame, not on the outside. Second, make sure the bars are flush with the window frame so they’re not easily visible from the outside. Finally, remember to use the right tools to install the bars. These bars are heavy, so you’ll want to use the right tools to prevent injury while you work.


Other Smart Solutions to Keep Your Home Safe

Installing a strong lock on each of your doors is another great way to keep your home safe. There are a few things to keep in mind when selecting the best lock to protect your doors. Make sure the lock is strong enough to keep out burglars and is able to withstand an attack from a crowbar. You’ll also want to make sure the lock has a seal and is weatherproof. You can install a latch that automatically locks your doors when you leave the house. This is a great way to keep your doors locked when you’re away from home. You can also add a peephole to your front door to keep an eye on who’s outside.


Smart Lock Installation

A smart lock is easy to install and will ensure no one has access to your house when you’re not there. These locks are available in many different models, so you can find one that fits your door perfectly. A smart lock is operated with a smartphone, so you can open and close the door from anywhere. You can also set a timer that will lock the door at a specific time each day. A smart lock will keep your home secure and make it easy to share the key with family and friends if they need access to your home when you’re not there. A smart lock can be operated with an app on your smartphone. You can set a temporary or permanent code for guests and family members.


Security Door Installation

If you’re worried about someone kicking in your front door, you can install a security door. A security door is strong enough to withstand kicks and punches, making it difficult for an intruder to break in. A security door is made of heavy steel and can be installed in a few hours. If you’re worried about the cost of a security door, you can find models that are made of lighter materials and are still strong enough to keep intruders out of your home. A security door will keep your family safe and help prevent burglars from breaking into your home.



Burglary is a serious crime and every year millions of people have their homes broken into. Luckily, there are a few smart solutions that can be implemented to make your home more difficult to break into and keep your family safe. Installing a burglary bar is a smart solution, as they’re easy to install and are strong enough to keep intruders out of your home. Burglary bars are a low-cost way to increase the security of your home. They are also easy to install and can be installed on the inside of a window frame to prevent windows from being broken.


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